What are the benefits of aqua yoga

  • Reduces Pain

    Reduces pain and increases range of motion by offloading weight in the water.

  • Increases Balance

    Gain stability and strength by learning how to ground yourself in a novel sensory environment.

  • Super Fun

    Research has shown people are more likely to stick with an aquatics exercise program than a land based program. See what makes an aqua yoga practice so much fun.

What Students Have Said...

“Aqua yoga is my favorite, and most pleasurable form of exercise. If I don't do aqua yoga between my land yoga sessions, my balance is less reliable.

Aqua Yoga Student”

“I did yoga on land and it hurt, this doesn't.

Aqua Yoga Student”

“Before aqua yoga I could no longer get on and off the floor without something to hold on to. Now I can get up and down fine.

Aqua Yoga Student”

Aqua Yoga Pose Database

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About Me

Christa Fairbrother, E-RYT/RYT-500
Aqua Kriya Yoga Certified
Aqua Yoga Specialist
Aquatic Fitness Professional
Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute Certified
Certified Yoga for Arthritis Instructor
Lover of yoga, books, and tea

I had arthritis for more than 20 years before my diagnosis and had a hard time reconciling everything I'd achieved with all my joint damage. I gave my life long yoga practice the credit and now I help other people use the tools of yoga to manage their health. Aqua yoga is my focus because it is kind to people's joints and is so accessible. It's an easy way to start a yoga practice, it allows people who've lost a land practice to continue, and challenges people with an active land practice to explore their bodies in new ways.

Christa Fairbrother

Aqua Yoga Instructor